Intro To H and R Block Financial Education

Coming this April, H & R Block would be commemorating National Financial Literacy Month. It will be awarding scholarships in excess of $1.3 million to the participants of the H and R Block Budget Challenge. The Challenge is a free web-based tool that teachers can avail to introduce teenagers to an adult’s financial pressures. The experience is simulated, similar to a game. The program is conducted throughout the year as a part of Dollar & Sense, the firm’s financial literacy platform.

H and R Block Financial Education
Photo by vthokiejd

According to a national survey, 42 percent of teens don’t see themselves as financially fit. And the research conducted by H And R Block denotes close to 58 percent of teens are not sure of properly handling their finances when they get older. Teenagers are keen on learning finance, but such courses are only offered at graduate degree-level.

H And R Block wants to fill in this vacuum through its Budget Challenge that’s being offered across 50 states to 155,000 school students this year. Last year, 100,000 students participated in the program. The scholarships are given to the top performers in April.

Even students who don’t win the scholarship would find the program beneficial. Almost every high school teacher believes participating in the program helps kids learn financial basics. In today’s world of inflation and financial crisis, such financial learning is vital for the youth.

H&R Block Tax Software is a Great Value

If you are ready to get your taxes done, then head over to Amazon and look for H&R Block’s software there. There’s just a couple of weeks left to get the job done right, and H&R Block discount tax software can you help you get it done right the first time.

H&R Block Tax Software
Alexas_Fotos / Pixabay

If you are an investor or a homeowner, then the 2015 H&R Block Deluxe package is probably a great fit for you. It will be able to help you through everything you might come up against when completing your taxes. If you happen to be self employed, or if you own some rental property, you will likely want to make the upgrade to the Platinum edition. Both versions are great and can handle state as well as federal returns. With either program, you will only need to purchase one program to complete both.

If you own a small business, you know that completing your taxes can be confusing and time consuming. Fortunately, H&R Block Tax Software with discounts can handle small business taxes as well. The H&R Block Premium software can be used to file business taxes and personal taxes, so it is a fantastic value.

By getting a great discount on tax software, you eliminate the need to pay a hefty price for someone else to prepare your taxes. There are many offers out there on Amazon and other places on the web that will get you the software you need at a reasonable price. H&R Block discount software can help you streamline the process and make sure you get your taxes done on time.